Working Retrievers, The

Srijeda, 07 Srpanj 2004 13:54
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The Classic Book for the Training, Care, and Handling of Retrievers for Hunting and Field Trials (Hardcover)

  • Autor: Stephen J. Bodio (Foreword), Tom Quinn
  • Hardcover: 288 pages
  • Publisher: The Lyons Press; 1.00 edition (October 1, 1998)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 1558217673
  • Product Dimensions: 11.3 x 8.8 x 0.9 inches

    Book Description
    In this complete book on retrievers and their training, we enter the world of Tom Quinn, one of America's most successful breeders and trainers of bird dogs. Quinn explains the methods he has used in developing a remarkable series of champion retrievers, including his first Labrador bitch, Nakai Anny, who won honors as Field Champion and Amateur Field Champion, and is a member of the Retriever Hall of Fame.

    THE WORKING RETRIEVERS covers every aspect of training dogs for hunting and field trials, from the beginning to the most advanced levels. The book also surveys the various retriever breeds--Labradors, Goldens, Chesapeakes, and others--and their histories. Quinn then takes us, step by step, through the training process.

    Also included is information on feeding, care, and transportation; breeding; buying and selling; and other matters of vital importance. Accompanied with photographs, line drawings, and a gorgeous, 16-page, full-color insert with both photographs and some of the author's own fabulous paintings, THE WORKING RETRIEVERS is an expert, comprehensive guide to be cherished by all who love retrievers. It belongs on every outdoorsman's bookshelf.
    --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

    From the Back Cover
    In this complete and updated book of retrievers and their training, we enter the world of Tom Quinn, one of America's most successful breeders and trainers of these uniquely talented dogs. Quinn explains the methods he has used in developing a remarkable series of champion retrievers, including his very first trained Labrador bitch, Nakai Anny, who honors as Field Champion and Amateur Field Champion, and is a member of the Retriever Hall of Fame.The Working Retrievers covers every aspect of the training of dogs for hunting and field trials, from the beginning to the most advanced levels. In its earlier sections, the book surveys the various breeds of retrieving dogs - Labradors, Goldens, Chesapeakes, and others - and their history. Quinn then takes us, step by step, through the entire training process for the successive levels of trial competition and hunting.Quinn also includes information on proper feeding, care, and transportation; breeding; buying and selling; and many other matters of vital importance. Using photographs and line diagrams to illustrate the text, Quinn has written an expert, all-inclusive guide that is invaluable to the active retriever enthusiast.And finally, a gallery of sixteen pages in full color features Tom Quinn's paintings of retrievers and game birds, captured in rare sensitivity. In its entirety, The Working Retrievers - with its combination of detailed and authoritative guidance, and an exceptionally rich visual treatment - is a book to be cherished by all who love retrievers. (83/4 X 111/4, 292 pages, color photos, b&w photos, diagrams)
    Pročitano 6428 puta Zadnja izmjena Srijeda, 22 Veljača 2012 13:58
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