Ultimate Hunting Dog Reference Book, The

Srijeda, 07 Srpanj 2004 13:54
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A Comprehensive Guide to More than 100 Sporting Breeds (Hardcover)

  • Autor: Vickie Lamb
  • Hardcover: 336 pages
  • Publisher: The Lyons Press (August 1, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 159228745X
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 inches


    Beginning with an overview and brief history of man's best hunting buddy, The Ultimate Hunting Dog Reference Book is the definitive source for everything you need to know about sporting dogs. Whether you hunt the uplands, woodlands, or swamplands, you'll learn how to choose the right breed for your favorite terrain--from pointers, flushers, and retrievers to hounds and terriers.
    Including a handy training journal and an extensive resource list, this book is designed for both the first-time dog owner and for those who already have hunting dog experience. Whether you are a duck hunter with a Labrador or an upland bird hunter with a Brittany, The Ultimate Hunting Dog Reference Book will find a valued place on your bookshelf.


    This complete primer covers all aspects of choosing, training, and maintaining your hunting dog, with chapters on:

    Reading Pedigrees
    Finding a Dog
    Socialization and Exposure
    Maintenance, Health, and Care
    Training Philosophy
    Training Fundamentals
    Training Methods
    Training Gear
    Training Grounds
    Solving Training Problems
    Professional Help
    Maintaining Performance in Older Dogs
    Dog Games
    Breed/Working Certificates
    Hunt Tests
    Sanctioned Events
    Field Trials
    Types of Hunting
    Hunting and Habitat
    Hunting Gear and Gadgets
    What Lies Ahead
    and much more.

    About the Author
    Vickie Lamb is an avid outdoorswoman who grew up with sporting dogs and the hunting lifestyle. She has studied the art of dog training with some of the country's top professionals, and raised, trained, and handled her own dogs to top field titles with both retrievers and coonhounds. She has written for numerous publications including American Cooner, Coonhound Bloodlines, Retriever Journal, and Just Labs magazines, and authored Dynamics of Hound Training and The Carr-Dinal Principles of Retriever Training. She lives in south Georgia with her menagerie of animals.
    Pročitano 8966 puta Zadnja izmjena Srijeda, 22 Veljača 2012 13:58
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